Madison College Public Safety Services is a team of full-time officers, student help officers, technicians and dispatchers committed to ensuring safety in our community. We are a 24-7 service, and you can visit us at the Public Safety Central Command Center, located in room B1240 at the Truax campus.
Public Safety Services works closely with the City of Madison Police Department and local jurisdictions to enforce federal, state and municipal laws while upholding the Student Code of Conduct.
Need To Report an Incident?
Call 608.245.2222
Call 2222 from an interdepartmental phone.
National Hotlines
Centers for Disease Control Hotline | 1.800.232.4636 (1.800.CDC.INFO)
Domestic Violence Hotline | 1.800.799.7233 (1.800.799.SAFE)
Sexual Assault Hotline | 1.800.656.4673 (1.800.656.HOPE)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Call 988 – Help is always available.
Call 911 for serious emergencies!
Incident Reports
To request a report that has already been filed, you may fill out a Records Request Form.
Any records request will be denied if a state photo ID is not present at the time of the request or if the information is not filled out in its entirety.
Please turn the form in at the Public Safety Command Center in Room B1240 on the Truax campus.
Once your request for records is submitted, it will be reviewed by Madison College Public Safety's command staff. You will receive a response within five business days.
Due to ongoing investigations and confidential information, all records may not be accessible, and some documentation may be withheld from records before being distributed.
Requests are handled in the order in which they are received and are processed in as timely a manner as possible. You will receive a copy of the request upon submission.
Dispatch Services
The Public Safety Department uses the Wisconsin State Capitol Police Department to provide dispatch services for the department. The hours for this service are Monday through Friday from 10 pm to 6:30 am and 24 hours on Saturdays, and Sundays, including holidays.
When contacting Public Safety during those hours, the State Capitol Police will answer, and don’t hang up - you are calling the correct number!
Public Safety Services
Officers are available 24/7, 365 days a year by calling 608.245.2222. These phone numbers will respond to all Madison-area campuses.
If you have questions or would like more details on any of the services provided below, please call 608.246.6932 to speak with someone at Public Safety Services.
Personal Escorts
Upon request, a uniformed patrol officer can escort you to your car or classroom on campus.
Off-campus escort requests will be granted based on the discretion of the officer.
Request an escort by calling one of the non-emergency numbers below:
Hours of Operation: 608.246.6932 or stop by at Room B1240 on the Truax campus.
After Hours Phone Number: 608.245.2222.
Please call approximately 5 to 10 minutes ahead of the requested escort time and state the location where you would like to be met, as well as your destination.
Lost and Found
The Truax campus Lost and Found is in the Public Safety Services Office on the first floor in Room B1240.
Public Safety will need to see photo identification to return your lost items.
Please contact Public Safety for Lost and Found locations at other Madison College facilities.
Most items are held for 30 days. After 30 days, items are given to the Community Action Coalition for South Central Wisconsin.
Vehicle Unlocks and Jump-Starts
Lock your keys in your car? Is your car not starting for you?
Upon request, Public Safety can open your vehicle by use of specialty tools to retrieve your keys.
Before calling a tow company, check with Public Safety, we can attempt to gain access or jump your vehicle for no charge.
Be prepared to show proper ownership of the vehicle by providing registration and insurance information.
Medical Assistance
Our team is equipped to assist you with immediate medical attention.
If you or someone has been injured or showed any signs of illness, you can also visit the GHC Clinic.
Public Safety Education
During any event, stop by and visit the Public Safety Services office for safety tips, helpful hints, and any other information you would like to know.
We are your one-stop department for information on parking policies, safety, and security at Madison College.
All-Campus Routine Patrols and Parking Enforcement
Our routine patrols the interior and exterior of all Madison College-owned and leased buildings by uniformed patrol officers via foot, bicycle, and marked squad cars.
Check out the Parking page to learn more about our protocol.
Important Public Safety Pages
Being prepared for an emergency is as important as knowing how to respond during an emergency.
Be Prepared
Whether an emergency is inconvenient or catastrophic, your actions and personal plans are the most dependable tools to keep you safe when on campus.
- Know your location and evacuation routes.
- Know where fire extinguishers, emergency exits and pull alarms are.
- Add our Campus Emergencies number to your phone contacts; 608.245.2222.
How to Respond
Faculty and staff will often guide those in classes and other activities during emergencies. Download our WolfPack Alert app to receive notifications.
- Fire: Evacuate calmly to the nearest exit. Avoid elevators.
- Active Threat: Run if you can, hide if you can't, fight if you must.
- Severe Weather Alerts: Shelter in designated locations or interior hallways.
See our Emergency Preparedness Guide for more ways to ensure you are ready for an emergency.
National Terrorism Advisory System
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has established a National Terrorism Advisory System to provide the public with information regarding terrorist threats.
Please check the National Terrorism Advisory System for periodic updates and instructions in case of a situation that threatens the campus.
Sex Offender Registry
The law and College policy require applicable students to self-disclose as a registered sex offender with Public Safety. Please complete this form each semester you anticipate attending classes at Madison College.
Related Resources
Share a Concern
Madison College is committed to allowing the entire campus community to give input and feedback regarding any part of their experience.