When attending Madison College, your financial aid eligibility and the amount of aid is determined by your dependency status. This means whether you are classified as an Independent student, or a Dependent student (Up to age 24, with some exceptions).

Whatever your dependency status is, this is determined for financial aid purposes by federal regulations based on the information you enter while filling out your FAFSA form.

What Is Dependency Status?

If you’re still a little confused about your Dependency Status, the U.S. Department of Education's Federal Student Aid office provides helpful information regarding dependency status, such as which parent(s) to report on your FAFSA (if applicable), and this informational video.

For some students, it may be as simple as asking their parents, but this may not be an option for everyone. Whatever your circumstances may be, we have listed out guidance on how to determine your status.

As always, if you are still unsure of your Dependency Status, as it may change during enrollment, you are welcome to reach out to Financial Aid in helping you determine your status.

FAFSA Video: Determining Your Dependency Status

Dependency Status Options

Review the information below to see which dependency status applies to you.

  • Independent Student Status

    You may have Independent Status if you meet these requirements:

    • You are 24 years or older.
    • As of today, you are married, working on a master’s degree, doctorate degree, or professional degree (J.D., M.D., MBA, graduate certificate, etc.)
    • You have children or other dependents that receive more than 50% of their support from you.
    • You are currently on active duty with the U.S. Armed Forces other than for training purposes or as a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces.
    • At any time since you turned 13, both your parents deceased, or you were in foster care, or you were declared a dependent or ward of the court.
    • It has been decided by a court in the state of legal residence that you are an emancipated minor or were placed in legal guardianship.
    • At any time on or after July 1, 2022, you were determined to be an unaccompanied youth who was homeless or were self-supporting and at risk of being homeless, as determined by (a) your high school or district homeless liaison, (b) the director of an emergency shelter or transitional housing program, or (c) the director a runaway or homeless youth basic center or transitional living program.

    Please see https://studentaid.gov/sites/default/files/fafsa-dependency.pdf for more information.